The Pros and Cons of Porcelain Tiles
Porcelain tiles are one of the most popular and most classic kinds of tiles that people use in their homes. However, with the wide variety of tile types now available in the market, it is best to ask if this is the kind of tile that is best for you and your house. That’s why in this article, we are going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of porcelain tiles.

The Pros of Porcelain Tiles

This kind of tile last better over the years, compared to other tiles as they tend to be highly resistant to material loss. This is because porcelain tiles have fewer air pockets, making them denser and uniform in construction. Furthermore, they are harder and thicker than other types of tiles there are. Because they are very durable, they are mostly used by properties for businesses or rentals. They really hold up well, lesser prone to break, and can continue to look even after many years.

Good for areas with high foot traffic
Due to its ability to be resistant to breakage, it is best used for places where there are a number of people who walk on. That is why it is excellent for businesses to use. They are also good for clubs, or an area in your home where you throw parties. Porcelain tiles are really durable, that’s why they still remain intact even with everyday use.

Resistant to moisture
Porcelain tiles have less possibility of cracking due to moisture issues, as compared to ceramic tiles. This is because porcelain types are denser and less porous, which makes them stronger than other types. They are best for homeowners in cold climates, and they can also be used outdoor.

The Cons of Porcelain Tiles

Installation is difficult
With porcelain tiles being denser, working with them is more difficult. Because they are durable and strong, they are harder to cut and layout properly. That’s why only flooring professionals can install it.

Heavier than other tiles
You have to remember that there is a lot of weight to porcelain tile floors, that’s why you have to know the current structure of your flooring before installing them. In certain areas such as rooms upstairs, you have to make sure that the floor foundation is strong enough to support the heavyweight of the tile. They are also more difficult to work with because of their weight, so you have to think about this factor before purchasing them.

They tend to be more expensive than other tiles, such as ceramic. Porcelain tiles are more costly in terms of having them installed, too due to their material. So if you are seeking an affordable way to achieve your flooring dreams, porcelain tiles might not be your best option. However, it is still a better value than the others due to its longevity. But when your budget is already tight, then you can go for other alternatives.

If this article has made you interested in purchasing porcelain tiles for your home, you can head on to Monalisa Tiles’ website and social media accounts. They offer varieties of designs and styles for porcelain tiles!