Invitation to Global Ceramics Forum for Monalisa
Global Ceramics Forum 2017 was successfully held in Guangzhou Sheraton Hotel on Nov 30th. During the event, all the delegations briefed about their countries’ status quos of the production, consumption and import & export as well as heatedly discussed such topics as tiles standards and product certification etc..

The success of this forum in China is conducive to the interaction, mutual-trust and cooperation between China and the rest of the world in tile industry. Thanks to this forum, China Ceramic industry has become more influential and made broad impact upon the industry.

As the deputy director of the National Building and Sanitary Ceramic Standard Committee SAC/TC249, Monalisa Group has directed, drafted, and participated in the establishments of many national standards, industry standards and regional standards over the past years.

Since 2010, Monalisa Group has participated in creating international laminated porcelain panel standard (led by Standard Committee ISO in different countries) for 8 times over the past consecutive 6 years. As an experienced member of WG4 workgroup, Monalisa Group, on behalf of China, presided over the draft of ISO/NP17888 Standard of laminated porcelain panel. China Building and Sanitary Ceramic Industry for the first time, took part in establishing international standard and also earned a voice for China in the globe.
